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Zander Craze gets him started by swallowing his uncut cock, and for a while Joey gives into his submissive side by sharing Rocco Steele’s daddy cock with Raul Korso. And a note on Joey Pele: this guy has bulked up quite a bit, and with his increased muscle mass so too has his sex drive blown up. Max has his sights set on Rocco from the onset: around 3:20 he starts sucking on Rocco’s 10 inches of thick daddy meat.

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It’s been years since Max Schutler has appeared in a Lucas Entertainment film, so what better way to make a return than at Rocco Steele’s breeding party? Rocco’s gathering aside from him and Max currently consists of Leo Alexander, Raul Korso, Joey Pele, Zander Craze, Max Toro, and Craig Daniel.

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